
PPlogoPath Press was founded in Sri Lanka in 1987 by Ven. Bodhesako. It is an entity with a small group of 2 bhikkhus/sāmanera and 4 laymen (upāsakas).

PP has no legal status. Its main mission is to encourage the study, practice and realization of the Buddha’s teachings (the Dhamma) as recorded in the Suttas and to make these teachings available to the general public. Path Press also wishes to continue with the original inspiration to make available the teachings of Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera; and also to publish other works which are inspired by the original teachings of the Buddha and teachings which are described in phenomenological/existential terms. Path Press also holds the copyrights of all Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s writings together with writings of Ven. Bodhesako and Sister Vajirā.

Path Press‘ (PP) was a name of convenience, originally intended to include those who, through the years, have contributed their various talents to bring Clearing the Path, the Dhamma book of Ven. Ñāṇavīra, to realization. Path Press was not planned to be an ongoing publishing house. However, in 2009 it turned out that there remains sufficient worthwhile material from the writings of the Venerable Ñāṇavīra Thera to issue other volumes to the present work; and there are a few other writings, unpublished or now out of print, which, like Clearing the Path, are of high quality, worthy of publication or reprinting. Therefore it was established a publishing house, called ‘Path Press Publications (PPP) (www.pathpresspublications.com). PPP is a subsidiary entity dependent upon PP and its present work is to publish also other works inspired by PP committee. All PP financial matters and responsibilities in that area shall be handled by PPP, because PP is an informal entity and has no legal status. However PPP remains to be a non-profit entity.

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These writings are probably not commercially viable; nor do they represent the views of any established sect, school or university which might sponsor their publication. The idea has been put forward that inasmuch as PPP has already published more than five books of this type it could use that experience as a basis for issuing those occasional writings which are of exceptional merit and yet do not attract established publishers.

If this is to be done, PPP will require financial support: publishing is expensive, and PPP intends to price our books low enough to be affordable to all who are genuinely interested. PPP would also like to distribute copies without charge wherever this is called for (to selected libraries, to worthy members of the monastic order, and so on).

Therefore the facilities of PPP can be utilized to issue these additional writings only with the help of those who agree with us that this is a worthwhile endeavour, and who are willing to support it with their contributions. If you would like to contribute, or to learn more about Path Press or the Publications, or wish to be put on our mailing list for future announcements, please contact us.